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Anxiety Therapy

At Mind Balance Mental Health Care, we understand that disordered eating can deeply affect your relationship with food, your body, and your overall well-being. Our disordered eating therapy is designed to support individuals from all backgrounds, with a special focus on those from marginalized groups who are often underserved who may face additional challenges and pressures.

Understanding Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety therapy is a specialized form of counseling that focuses on identifying, understanding, and addressing the underlying causes of anxiety. Through evidence-based techniques and personalized treatment plans, our therapists work with you to develop effective coping strategies and build resilience.


Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety?

Discover how our therapy can help you manage and reduce your anxiety, providing you with practical tools and strategies to regain control and find calm.


Struggling with persistent worries or fears?

Learn effective techniques to challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, helping you overcome fears and develop a more balanced perspective.


Looking for ways to stay grounded in stressful situations?

Engage in therapy designed to foster a positive and weight-neutral view of your body, supporting you in embracing yourself just as you are.


Need support in navigating anxiety related to personal or professional challenges?

Benefit from a holistic approach that addresses various aspects of your life, helping you build resilience and cope with stress.


Want to understand how systemic issues impact your anxiety?

Explore how factors such as societal pressures, discrimination, and systemic barriers affect your mental health, and receive support tailored to your unique experiences.

Our Approach

We are dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.


Our anxiety therapy takes a personalized approach to help you manage and reduce anxiety. We use evidence-based techniques to address the root causes of your anxiety and teach practical skills for coping and resilience. Our supportive environment helps you build confidence and regain control over your life.

Our therapists are responsive to the intersectional factors affecting your experience with anxiety. 


 We provide affirming and supportive care that respects your identity and lived experiences.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Helping you kick negative thoughts to the curb.

Mindfulness Techniques

Stay grounded and willingness to be with what is in the present moment.

Acceptance and Commitment Practices

Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings about eating while pursuing actions that align with your core values.

Exposure Therapy

Face your fears, one controlled step at a time.

Systems Therapy

Explore how family, work, and society play a role in your anxiety.

Trauma Informed Therapy

Social Justice Informed Therapy

Because your mental health doesn’t exist in a vacuum – racism, sexism, and other “isms” matter.

Understanding how past trauma affects your present anxiety.

Why Choose Us for Anxiety Therapy?

Illustration of two abstract human heads connected by a swirling line. The head on the left is orange with a pink scribble re


Experienced Therapists

Our team has extensive experience in treating anxiety.


Tailored, Compassionate Care

Personalized therapy that addresses goals and unique needs with empathy and respect.


Supportive and Safe Environment

 A nurturing, inclusive space where you can openly discuss your challenges and goals, feeling respected and valued.


Expertise in Diverse Needs

Experienced therapists providing culturally sensitive care that respects your background and experiences.


Evidence-Based Techniques

Utilizing proven methods like CBT, mindfulness, and ACT to help you manage anxiety issues and foster long-term well-being.


Focus on Empowerment

Empowering you to change relationship with anxiety to foster wholeness, building self-awareness and resilience for a balanced, fulfilling life.

Ready to Take the NextStep in Anxiety Management?

If anxiety is affecting your quality of life, we are here to help. At Mind Balance Mental Health Care, we are committed to supporting you on your path to wellness


We’re here to support you every step of the way on your path to healing and self-acceptance. 

Our goal is to help you manage and reduce anxiety through compassionate, personalized support. We provide a safe and understanding space where you can explore your feelings, develop practical strategies, and build resilience for a more balanced and fulfilling life.


We offer in-person appointments at our Minneapolis location.

Additionally telehealth services are available for clients in Minnesota and California with specific providers. 

Reach Out Today

Ready to make a meaningful change in your life?

Reach out to us today to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our team.

Let's explore how we can work together to achieve your goals and improve your well-being.

Your path to a more fulfilling and balanced life starts here—contact us now!​

  • What is adoption competent therapy, and how is it different from regular therapy?
    Adoption competent therapy is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on the unique experiences and challenges of adoptees. It differs from regular therapy by specifically addressing issues related to identity, attachment, loss, and the complexities of adoption. It centers the experiences of adoptees. Our therapists are trained to understand these specific dynamics, providing a safe and supportive space to explore and navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of being an adoptee.
  • How can adoption competent therapy help me if I'm a transracial adoptee?
    Transracial adoptees often face unique challenges related to cultural and racial identity. Adoption competent therapy can help you explore and understand your cultural background and racial identity, navigate any feelings of disconnection, and address experiences of racism and discrimination. Our therapists provide culturally responsive and affirming support to help you integrate these aspects into a cohesive sense of self, fostering confidence and self-acceptance.
  • What issues can adoption competent therapy address?
    Adoption competent therapy can address a wide range of issues, including: Identity exploration and integration: Understanding who you are as an adoptee and how adoption has shaped your identity. Grief and loss: Processing feelings of loss related to birth families, culture, or aspects of self. Attachment and relationship challenges: Navigating relationships with adoptive families, birth families, and others. Trauma and past experiences: Understanding and healing from any trauma related to adoption experiences. Social justice and systemic issues: Addressing the impact of systemic discrimination, such as racism on your mental health and well-being.
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